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Digital Collection Egon Eiermann
Competition reconstruction Kleines Haus Württembergische Staatstheater
Competition reconstruction Kleines Haus Württembergische Staatstheater
The urban situation is characterised by the New Palace, the palace gardens and the theatre complex created by Max Littmann in 1912. The Little Theatre was destroyed during the war. The requirement was for a theatre with 800 seats, which was to complement the Grosses Haus with its fully equipped opera stage with a more intimate stage for drama. It was also recommended that the substructure, which had not been destroyed, be reused.
The design envisaged dispensing with a laced floor, setting up the decorations in the basement and serving the stage with trolleys via lifts. Four decorations at a time can be set up on 10 x 12 metre trolleys. In order to give the lower stage sufficient height on the existing floor to accommodate the decoration trolleys, the stage and auditorium are raised. This also increases the height of the ground floor, where the three entrances, the cloakrooms and the box office are located. A wide, single-flight staircase leads the audience into a space that is both auditorium and foyer. For acoustic reasons alone, this concept means that there is no buffet in this zone. It was suggested that the buffet be built into the park as a theatre café - in a separate structure set back from the theatre and connected to the auditorium/foyer via a bridge - and thus allow it to be used as a daytime café independently of the theatre.
Immo Boyken, „Entwurfscharakteristika im Werk von Egon Eiermann aus der Zeit nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg“ , Diss., Universität Karlsruhe, Fakultät Architektur, Teil III, S. 82
Project-specific information
- Egon Eiermann und Robert Hilgers, Architekten